Simple and practical app to keep track of your income and expenses on a day by day basis. Is great for freelancers and people who just want a simple a …
Thank you for sending the bugs reports! :)Keep track of your expanses with an auto reminder (time or location) built in for those spendings.For exampl …
Diese App ist eine "Spende-App", um für die Entwicklung von freien/gratis und nicht freien/bezahlpflichtigen Apps des Entwicklers zu spenden.Wenn Dir …
A simple money tracking app that allows you to keep track of your purchases and spending, with current month, last month and total spending displayed …
Amazed 2 FREE has been released, please download that instead.Using the built in accelerometer, navigate your white marble through the maze. The marbl …
Bring exploring a maze to a new level!Have you ever wondered how does it feel to be lost in the maze? And seeing the road only up to the closest turn, …
Keep the circle away from the walls of the maze for as long as you can!The maze moves faster and faster as you get further and further so hold on as l …
My Study Life is a planner for students, teachers and lecturers designed to make your study life easier. My Study Life allows you to store your timeta …
O UserFullLife para Android é uma app para fazer de forma rápida estimativas de "Vida Útil Remanescente de Bens Móveis".Esse Aplicativo fornece valore …
My Sitcom Life is a studio audience that fits in your pocket, complete with sound effects, and intro and exit music, too. Everything you say and do fr …