Hexalogic is a -- simple and somewhat addictive casual othello like numbers strategy board game =) Treat yourself with a quick and fun brain workout. …
This unique application is for all students across the world. It covers 145 topics of Analog electronics in detail. These 145 topics are divided in 7 …
This is a great looking stopwatch & timer. It is very easy to use and works very well.There are super themes available:* analog light (free)* analog d …
This is a great looking stopwatch & timer. It is very easy to use and works very well.There are super themes available:* analog light (free)* analog d …
Uspostavljanje odnosa sa nekim može da bude krajnje korisno i zabavno: svako partnerstvo sa onima koje volimo i želimo da volimo nudi neverovatna isku …
Analog Clocksimple, but highly customize digital clocks with professional as well as colored look and feel.Features:- All in one app clock widget avai …
Enjoy the freedom and flexibility to choose an array of ways to customize the way you experience your teambuilding.Discover the simple yet versatile a …
Ce module repose sur le logiciel leader de la paye du spectacle Interpaye.DV-LOG est une SSII éditrice de logiciels de gestion spécialisée dans les do …