CPU Prime Benchmark is a benchmark-tool to compare the speed of your device with others. It uses single and multitasking-algorithms to test your CPU a …
A CPU Benchmarking tool for Android. Perfect for testing the results of an Overclock or comparing phone speeds with your friends among different devic …
The Bench application measure the processor performance of android smartphones or tablets. 6 types of performance comparison are provided :1) the 5000 …
This application measures the CPU and memory performance of your Android phone or tablet by running a suite of 13 benchmark tests. The suite includes …
Con PowerDROID podrás realizar rápidos benchmarks a la CPU de tu dispositivo Android y compartir los resultados.PowerDROID te permite saber la frecuen …
Pi Benchmark is a tool to measure the real speed of CPU and memory of your phone. It will perform PI calculation up to 2.000.000 digits of precision. …
REQUIRES ROOT. Tests internal FLASH storage and external SD CARD. Measures launch and run-time delays of 20 popular apps. Compares your device with ot …
AndroBench is a benchmark application that measures the storage performance of your Android Devices. Now we provide the function of Micro benchmarks, …
IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT A 3D BENCHMARK. If you are not familiar with GPGPU please refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General-purpose_computing_on_graph …