The procedure now allows InventApp Manage all your work directly from your smartphone / Android tablet. it is possible to manage customers and supplie …
Dies ist eine Lizenz für die Anwendung "FDDB Scanner", die die Werbebanner deaktiviert. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie die Entwicklung von "FDDB Scan …
DISCLAIMER: This app is made available for use at your own risk with no warranty of any kind.NANDROID BACKUP BEORE USE!!!I cannot respond to comments …
Consulta la cartelera de todos los cines de España y obtén información de las salas de cine, horario y sinopsis de las películas en cartelera y estren …
Now, you must have a Valentine Scanner on your Phone! You and your guygal place a finger tip on the sensing pads and Valentine Scanner will determine …
Document Scanner Pro efficiently scan paper documents such as receipts, notes, whiteboard discussions, business cards, certificates, etc.------------- …
You must have a Mood Scanner on your Phone !. Scan your thumb… discover your mood !!! This app is for entertainment purposes only.免費玩Mood Scanner Pro …
We are launching a paid version on Google Play. We are a small company and funds are needed to keep updating this app and launching new ones. If you c …
K-@ Mail Pro (Kat Mail Pro), the first and only email client for Android that combines a gorgeous graphical design with a great user experience and a …
AppLocker Fake Crash lets you protect any applications what you want with fake crash screen and your password. You can lock: Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitt …