A simple card trick to entertain you and your friends. Pick a card and watch as the Android determines your card and removes it from the deck.Obviousl …
Droid Magic is an awesome Magic trick that put you into splits. You can try this yourself and then show off in-fron of your friends. The result will a …
*** Hide your private photos and videos ! *** Why this app? =========== * Do you sometimes have to hide some pictures on your phone from other people …
Everybody enjoys have fun at the seaside, while it's easy to get injured. Let's try to become beach emergency doctor to help people who get hurt. Guar …
VideoAlbum enables you to turn your photos into attractive digital albums, or photo movies. You can play them on your iPhone, or computers. File creat …
REMAIN IN THE LINE! Drag your fingers to move the green dot. Stay in the black line and never touch the white part. - Designed for iPhone and iPad - I …
Think you can take the heat? Take on the role of ALL THREE Emergency Services drivers and respond to various disasters in the city. Drive the Police c …