If you want to know how much you spend amount and money for gasoline, this app can record your fuel usage of your car driving or operating machine of …
Have an application error? Don’t know where to look? LogCat+ shows logs by level, tag, time, and details. Start/stop log recording. Filter logs. Searc …
1-Summary. Logcat will display the log information output by the OS and applications. This app is the app for Android application developers like.In a …
Stay up-to-date with developments in your field with the latest issues from 30 Cell Press journals on your Android device An interactive reading exper …
Reading Log helps users log their reading activities. Can be used by all ages, especially helps parents to improve their kids reading.Features:Support …
A physics based toy where you draw a world and watch it react! Draw sand, water, fire, oil, and more. Liquids flow, fire ignites, and things act the w …
This is a build of the 2.3 (Gingerbread) music app that supports Android 1.6 and higher.Nothing fancy here, just providing everyone the option to use …
AndroHelm Antivirus Android Tablet Security PRO version with advanced features and facilities for the perfect operation of your Tablet and Web securit …