This App is a bavarian soundbar of 4 typical swearwords. Impress your Friends with your bavarian swaerwords.Learn them and use them on your next trip …
Angry Ben is an entertaining arcade game for everyone! Try this app and use the hammer as a rat repellent! Perfect graphics and colorful level won’t l …
Putin is angry! But he has a plan. Take over the world on the back of a rocket powered bear developed by the Russian military. For Honor.. Glory.. and …
Welcome to the world of Angry Avenger!!!An all new game with loads of entertainment, challenges and fun with the freshness of natural surroundings and …
Angry AntAnts are angry and hungry, help them to run to get the food, to keep them alive.In between there are lots of obstacles. But, can you help the …
The Farmer is away and the farm has been overrun by an army of hungry foxes. Help the animals fight back to clear the farm of marauding foxes. The ani …
This is a fun game for all ages. The game is based around Antarctica where the penguins have gone on a full scale war against the polar bears over the …
Aha, It also called angry birds zuma. Do NOT let them go home, because a Hungry cat waits there. Make groups of three or more birds of the same color. …