This application displays the 3G signal strength and connection status of mobile network on status bar or home screen as widget.In some cases, NO SIGN …
Dies ist die alte Antenne Kärnten App. Diese App wird nicht mehr unterstützt und weiterentwickelt und kann daher gelöscht werden. Die neue Antenne Kär …
PiFra kann man auch testen. Dazu einfach PiFra Free downloaden. Dort gibt es allerdings eingeblendete Werbebanner.Alte Smartphones oder Tablets eignen …
The application solves systems of equations with two or three unknowns. Each solution step by step showing what action has been taken to achieve a res …
애플 베스트 신규앱 선정(2014년 7월)똑똑한 청춘남녀의 필수앱!일상거래! 축의금! 이제 “이따줄께”로 관리하세요!- 점심시간에 항상 현금이 없다는 패기있는 동료에게, 빌려 줄때엔 쿨하게! 받을 때에는 칼같이!- 친구들과의 여행에서 돌아온 당신, 간편하게 계산해서 간 …
A small game to decide who will marry me? The game lets you to throw a ball into lots of people, If one person is hit by the ball most of times in a l …
This is a try and buy version, you can see our coach in action for a few minutes and buy the full 60 minutes video when you want without extra downloa …
This is a try and buy version, you can see our coach in action for a few minutes and buy the full 60 minutes video when you want without extra downloa …
The fastest way to type on your iPhone!Create custom Shortcuts / Abbreviations that will expend into a full text messages, addresses, email signatures …