Live currency, foreign exchange rates for 33 world currencies (most popular) with user-friendly design and option to customize and arrange order of fa …
Convert currencies of all the countries in the world. -One convert listing currency against other currencies -One-to-one feature, a currency conversi …
Currency converter is a simple app that helps you convert from a currency to another. You can update the exchange rates everytime you want so you'll h …
CurrencyConverter is a free application which can *Display daily currencies *Convert any currency type to other instantly *Save daily currency data to …
En este mes de la Madre atrévete a enviar las postales más hermosas que tendrás a disposición, en tu dispositivo. Mira selecciona y envía por correo l …
This is a set of daily tools which can help you during your day to day calculations. It includes daily tools such as:1) Discount calculator2) Price Co …
Test your brain against some fiendish Codewords.A Codeword is a puzzle like a crossword only with no clues! Instead you must match each letter to a nu …