Talking DoDo Bird is an adorable, fun, and interactive character for your device. You can poke him, feed him, and interact with him in several other w …
Talking DoDo Bird is an adorable, fun, and interactive character for your device. You can poke him, feed him, and interact with him in several other w …
游戏背景: 渡渡鸟是毛里求斯岛上一种不会飞的巨鸟,体型比天鹅大,重四十至五十磅,头大尾短,看来呆气十足,葡萄牙人就叫?做dodo,意思是「笨蛋」。 这种笨鸟大约十八世纪末叶绝了种,只留下as dead as a dodo(死得和渡渡鸟一样)这个英文成语, 意思是「死透了」或「早就过时了」。 你想改变 …
2 -- -Stat -movie quize movie quize containes five question.In 2 -- -Stat -movie quize movie quize each question one score if correct answer.In 2 -- - …