The Rise of The THINCREDIBLE! Take a peek at something razor thin, lightning fast and ultra smart! And be sure to check this app out again after June …
ACER Q-Central is a teacher-directed, formative assessment system developed for schools by the Australian Council for Educational Research and powered …
If you can catch the word, then you will catch the world!这是一次亲身经历,开发者,也就是,为了考TOEFL,用了很多方式,死记硬背,词根法,类似法,意义法,形似法,阅读法⋯⋯没有一样能够有足够的吸引力坚持下去,花样玩的多的,其实根本就达不到完 …
All the smart people love this game, come and catch Tom!Tom is a well trained e-cat and has a very high level of artificial intelligence. He would alw …
A time-based reaction game designed to assist those with dyslexia in telling the time. It contains two mini games and a ‘Time to Go’ tool. It is accom …