Feel yourself like a real cop chasing most wanted outlaws in the Chase Cop: Hot Pursuit. You need to chase felons driving cars and stop them at any pr …
This is a memo pad widget of "CAT".Please tap on the widget, and you can write memo on it. Please use it like sticky, post-it, or note-pad. You’ll fin …
NEW:Create new notification memos from anywhere, through Google Now Voice Search! Just say "Note to self" followed by whatever you want to be reminded …
Memo is a note taking app designed specifically for Galaxy Note. Warning: only tested on Original International Galaxy Note (5.3"), use on other devic …
This is a simple application used for making memo.User is able to save the text as memo and the saved text will displayed in list which is clickable.A …
Memo Pad is a simple and easy use note book application.The main target is Xperia X10, but it might be also suitable for other devices.*Frequently ask …
Memo helps you keep track of your life by making list-keeping simple and quick. The application is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. A …
本游戏包含数据包,下载地址、安装方式详见文末!修改内容:游戏中银币、金砖均修改为9999999 !《运输帝国 Transport Empire》是GIGL出品的最新模拟经营力作,其灵感来源于充满蒸汽的维多利亚时代。在这个幅员辽阔的国家你需要修筑铁路和码头,调度机车,轮船和飞艇,建造道路和矿山以及发展 …