This is one of a kind bluetooth app that help you to listen music via Bluetooth headset. It uses a feature to listen audio through Bluetooth. It is ve …
This program checks for the presence of people nearby using their bluetooth-enabled devices.If you need to quickly check that a certain group of peopl …
"Worked Time Pro" is the professional version of "Worked Time", which is a productivity tool to allow you to control your daily time worked and your o …
Esta aplicación puede ser usada para localizar y encontrar dispositivos con bluetooth mediante la intensidad de recepción de la señal del emisor. NO F …
Alert BT Control Center is a free optional service for Alert Pro and Shadow BT software. It lets you to automatically run and stop these apps.You have …
SDCard Manager Pro help you easy to manager the folder and file in SD Card.Main features+ Manager the folder and file.+ Create new the folder and file …
SWITCH PRO – Das Magazin in dem wir Themen ein Forum bieten wollen, die Profis aus dem Elektrohandwerk, aber auch Planern und Projektmanagern interess …
Forgot your phone at home and you are at your office now? No problems !! Remotely install "Forgot My Phone" (see the video below), then, send the SMS …
**** R E Q U I R E S -- R O O T ****Thank you for READING the following BEFORE commenting/reviewing: For Samsung Note, Note II, and Note III phones (p …