If you are in the network marketing/mlm business and you are having a difficult time prospecting customers and your down line, this guide will teach y …
Make your phone a sparkling jewel and flood your screen with a rain of brilliant diamonds.Touch the screen and crumble the diamonds.The PINK SATIN bac …
3D Prototyping & 3D Printing! We specialize in the design and production of rapid prototypes for you, our customer! If you have a product that you nee …
Komik dari Dirjen Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Rpublik Indonesia ini memudahkan anak untuk memahami apa itu Paten …
Simple digital clock widget.Has a few simple settings. This widget for a comfortable time display on the main screen. Also, when you tap on the clock, …
아이들 돌보기 어려우시죠? 우는 아이도 뚝 그치게 할 수 있는 바로 저, "착한어린이TV"에게 아이를 맡기시고 편안하게 차한잔의 여유를 만드세요. 뽀로로, 타요, 치로, 코코몽, 폴리 등 아이들에게 인기있는 애니메이션들을 하나의 앱으로 통합하여 고해상도 화질로 아이들에 …
Now detects changes in Electromagnetic Fields(E.M.F.)!Get the same basic functionality of other EMF detectors on the Android market for a FRACTION of …