EggMon is a personal shopping assistant with barcode and QR code scanning function (1) Find the lowest price on the go - Scan the barcode to find the …
Barcode(QRCode) Server StockThis program isAnd, in the web server,Android phone to use the bar code scanner,Import, Export work for users who want to …
هل تبحث عن بار كود ريدر ؟ يسر فريق عمل سوالف ان يقدم لكم تطبيق بار كود ريدر إذا أعجبكم تطبيق بار كود ريدر نرجو منكم التقييم 5 نجوم ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆مزايا تطبي …
Простая программа содержащая в себе все штрих-коды стран, в ней Вы можете найти:1. Код страны по названию страны2. Страну по коду3. Как рассчитать кон …
This Font Pack contains 50 free fonts for Samsung Galaxy and HTC Sense 6.0 devices designed to be compatible with Monotype Imaging Inc.'s FlipFont® pr …
This app contains 5 free fonts compatible with the FlipFont program that is installed on most Samsung Galaxy devices. This app is designed to be used …
This app contains 5 free fonts compatible with the FlipFont program that is installed on most Samsung Galaxy devices. This app is designed to be used …
A simple application with a simple purpose, to scan and reproduce barcodes from loyalty cards and movie tickets.Examples: - Everyday Rewards. - FlyBuy …
Mit erfährst du sofort, was tatsächlich in deinem Produkt steckt. Scanne dazu einfach den Barcode und verrät dir kritisc …
Barcode Browser is a browser support barcode input.You are able to scan barcode by camera and fill data in the web form directly.- Directly scan barco …