Qrcode or Barcode is application for scan Barcode or Qrcode. With it, you can send data to email or send SMS by click menu. You can choose multiple em …
Qrcode or Barcode is application for scan Barcode or Qrcode. With it, you can send data to email or send SMS by click menu.You can choose multiple ema …
هل تبحث عن بار كود ريدر ؟ يسر فريق عمل سوالف ان يقدم لكم تطبيق بار كود ريدر إذا أعجبكم تطبيق بار كود ريدر نرجو منكم التقييم 5 نجوم ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆مزايا تطبي …
This application is a part of SD-TOOLKIT® Barcode SDK for Android and is used to activate SD-TOOLKIT® Barcode SDK License Key on the device. Complete …
Read and scan multi barcode,qrcode to text, link, conteact... and others option and support multi language qr scanner, barcode, qr code, read, scan, c …
Use your Android phone as a barcode scanner for PC or Mac. Scan a barcode with camera and the data is immediately sent to your computer - just like us …
Generate, share & print barcode labels in seconds. Create codes 128 of 14 characters either input or import from your CSV files. The labels can be sav …
Barcode Master is the best barcode/QR code scanner and loyalty card management tool app in Android. It changes your handset into a fast and robust bar …
Codecheck.info – für deinen gesunden & umweltbewussten Einkauf. Bekannt aus TV, Radio und Internet. Codecheck.info bietet dir einen kostenlosen Zugang …
This application can read barcodes continuously.Your email client send barcodes scanned by this application.This application requires "ZXing Barcode S …