The Big 5 is the largest building and construction exhibition in the Middle East, providing a business and networking platform to construction profess …
MBTI的全名是Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,中文為邁爾斯•布裡格斯性格類型測試量表。它是一整套迫選性的、自我報告式的性格類型測試工具。MBTI是由美國的凱恩琳•布裡格斯和她的女兒伊莎貝爾•布裡格斯•邁爾斯制定的。該指標以瑞士心理學家榮格劃分的8種類型為基礎,加以擴展,形成 …
There's a huge war riot happening in Temple City, the crime mafia is looking to take over... You and your squad must figure out the bad guys behind th …