Activate Go is an installer’s Android app that completes the automatic configuration of an Aruba Access Point in the Activate system.Touch the ‘login’ …
Our mission at Activate Church is to create a community of faith who love people; make equip and send disciples of Jesus Christ. Everything we do supp …
Use your smartphone as a Geiger counter to measure the radioactive radiation in your environment. The app uses the noise induced by the radioactive ra …
HELVETIC BACKCOUNTRY präsentiert: Die App zum Buch!So einfach war die Tourenauswahl noch nie! Finde mit dem cleveren Tourenatlas-Filter deine Ski- ode …
Są dni kiedy wenezuelski serial w TV nie cieszy jak kiedyś, poranny hejting nie podnosi na duchu, kawa w starbuniu nie smakuje jak wcześniej, a lektur …
ATENÇÃO:Suporte experimental a Android 2.2+, por favor reportem quaisquer problemas...Se você é daquelas pessoas que não consegue ficar 2 minutos sem …