Body Balance is designed to measure your overall body structural parity. The percentages provided are derived from a T-Nation article that provides an …
Widget that shows the message or value of a given ussd code. It is especially for prepaid users, who are able to check their balance via an dial (ussd …
Lord Venkateshwara also known as Venkatachalapati, Srinivasa and Balaji is a form of the Supreme God Shrimann Narayana or Vishnu. Tirumala is one of t …
This free app works with the BalanSens™ wearable sensor system from BioSensics ( This app cannot be used without the BalanSens™ mo …
Bij BalanZ, Centrum voor eetstoornissen in Twente onderzoeken en behandelen we alle vormen van eetproblemen en eetstoornissen, bij mannen en vrouwen v …
Balance It is a Task Card Resource for PE Teachers. A simple and powerful way to provide students with visual prompts and cues designed to help them d …