Complete Redesign of the UI. The Beta-Module to create/edit Profiles and Buttons are removed. They will be develop in a different way. !! If you habe …
Fly through the galaxy . The Lone machine fights for his survival in apocalyptic times.***** A non-stop infinite flying. ***** Floating obstacles made …
Net-Information shows information about wireless/mobile connection.Wireless features:- SSID- IP Address- Link Speed- RSS- Gateway- Primary DNS- Second …
What comes first in product design ? Concept, design, product form ? Product form is critical in times of demanding consumers and improving product er …
The Official App of FullForms ( is an extensive free online library that contains full forms of abbreviations and acronyms. And …
CHI - il magazine di evasione, diretto da Alfonso Signorini - è ora disponibile in versione digitale.Con servizi, interviste ed immagini esclusive, pr …
Me and You, ACHOO! is a whimsical rhyming story about a young couple whose love is interrupted by a pandemic. Our protagonists execute their escape pl …
지수 출판의 MD 중학영단어의 iSO용 앱!① 국내의 중학 영단어 책 중 단연 최다 어휘 수록- 총 2,700여 개에 이르는 모든 중학 교과서 영단어 및 고1 수준의 영단어 전부를 수록했습니다.② 기적의 WCS 학습법으로 최고의 실력 보장!- 단어, 짝짓기, 예문의 3 …