You want to burn the screen. You want to burn your icons or pictures. Screen burn with fire background to join the program Tap the screen to make fire …
Does your Android device have visible screen burn (Screen burn-in)? Screen Burn Repair can help test screens and repair screen burn. Simply choose a t …
This app gives you only a black screen. It is useless for normal android devices.It works as a burn-in protector for plasma and Amoled Screens.On some …
New theme for the app GO launcher EX . You can see all delights of a theme on screenshots.Some devices may not change the icons automatically.1.Tab an …
인터넷 창업 쇼핑몰 창업 바이블 셀러오션입니다네이버에서 "셀러오션"을 검색해주세요인터넷 창업과 쇼핑몰 창업 그리고 쇼핑몰운영에(쇼핑몰,오픈마켓,미니샵,N샵등)필요한 모든 정보가 있는 커뮤니티입니다.★ 약 200,000명이 …