Your goal is only a can!!Touch just throw the can of ground.But never let your guard down!The level of difficulty went up, the various obstacles and c …
하이네켄 증강현실 앱AR앱을 이용하여 하이네켄의 새로운 제품을 확인하실 수 있습니다.서울스퀘어 건물을 비추어 증강현실을 체험해보세요.----개발자 연락처 :주소: 서울 특별시 구로구 구로동 222-7 코오롱디지털타워 빌란트 6층전화번호: 02-862-9818팩스: 02 …
In Love 我的婚礼请柬是一款专门针对新婚夫妇搭建的应用,其主要的功能价值是帮助新婚夫妇利用手机,以自己的婚纱照为底图 编辑自己的婚礼电子请柬,并便捷通过微博、微信等平台将请柬发送给自己的亲朋好友。用户在婚纱摄影购买婚纱摄影拍照服务后,通过该应用用户可以查看拍摄的精美婚纱图片,并且可以将这些图片 …
Mit InLove erfährst du auf einen Blick, wie lange du mit deinem Freund oder deiner Freundin zusammen, velobt oder verheiratet bist. Und das in Jahren, …
You are still thinking about your ex boyfriend / girlfriend...You wonder then if he/she still thinks about you?Discover, by setting diverse parameters …
The DANTE F411 manned probe has been launched through a crack in the ground straight down to hell. Insane speed and sharp ledges are your enemies. How …
Simple live wallpaper where different polygons (rectangles and squares) fall down the screen. They are different color. There are settings for size, s …