To Do List, tem por objetivo disponibilizar um ambiente onde você consiga gerenciar tarefas que devem ser realizadas e marcar as já realizadas, com is …
To Do List is an App that allows you to take down your to-do tasks quickly and easily, and manage your time effectively. Main features: - Quickly add …
Keep forgetting your schedule? List them up in To Do List! List you everyday tasks/plans, whether it's about your homework, daily tasks, meeting topi …
Keep forgetting your schedule? List them up in To Do List! List you everyday tasks/plans, whether it's about your homework, daily tasks, meeting topic …
Track your To-DosThis is an amazing app. I myself tried a lot of Tasks-Tracking apps. In most of them I found a major problem - Complex Architecture. …
To Do List is a powerful to-do task management tool with a simple and completely customizable user interface. It allows you to quickly and easily trac …
Todo is an easy-to-use and handy task manager app. Use it in your Android Phone or Tablet to simply jot down tasks and get it saved. Create tasks as t …
Packing List helps you to create and maintain packing lists. It not only lets user to create a list from scratch, but also allows you to generate list …
Packing List is a simple application for the organization of travel. The application is very easy to use and intuitive design will not let you get con …
This checklist (packinglist) is a userfriendly application, that helps you remember all the things for your vacation (or other event).It comes with a …