Diese APP ist in einer Zusammenarbeit mit dem Magazin Android-User.de entstanden und soll Euch eine kleine Hilfe sowie ein kleines Stück mehr Sicherhe …
CheckApp allows commercial vehicle drivers to complete their mandatory daily vehicle safety checks on their Android device and automatically send the …
CheckAp is the ideal app for managing apps in a controlled manner. With CheckAp you can navigate the fascinating world of apps in a risk-aware manner. …
This app is a standalone type RSS/Atom feed reader.Can be efficiently browse the update information of the website.Can be get feeds by small-traffic/h …
Just Check On Me is an app especially designed for anyone who lives alone [old or young]. It is simple to use and allows you to set up a daily check i …
You are not sure how do you look today? This app is your answer, you just need to take a picture of yourself and then ask your phone how do you look ! …
Follow the path to self-discovery and acceptance and learn to interact effectively with other people using this comprehensive Enneagram app as your gu …
RBApp is a radiobiology calculator that automatically calculates BED (biologically effective dose) and EQD2 (equivalent dose in 2 Gy fractions). RBApp …