Guia completo do São João da Bahia, a maior festa regional do Brasil. O App "São João Bahia" é uma realização da SETUR. Secretaria oficial de turismo …
Aplicativo de smartphone para relacionamento interpessoal. Uma rede social criada exclusivamente para ser utilizada pelos 18.000 foliões que irão pass …
GPS MarX the Spot allows you create a multi-stage treasure hunt and have a treasure seeker find each destination step, and ultimately the treasure tha …
GPS MarX the Spot allows you create a multi-stage treasure hunt and have a treasure seeker find each destination step, and ultimately the treasure tha …
Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on yo …
Experience cities ... we offer an acoustic guided tour for cities.You get multimedia information about the sights, a city map with geolocation-mod (of …
HANNOVER erleben ... für 30 Sehenswürdigkeiten bieten wir in Hannover akustische Führungen an.Sie erhalten multimediale Informationen über die Sehensw …
MÜNCHEN erleben ... für 24 Sehenswürdigkeiten bieten wir in München akustische Führungen an.Sie erhalten multimediale Informationen über die Sehenswür …
Experience BERLIN ... we offer an acoustic guided tour for 37 sights.You get multimedia information about the sights, a city map with geolocation-mod …