SMS2EMAIL is a secret weapon for monitor SMS which mobile you interest . After you install SMS2EMAIL to target mobile , UNDER BACKGROUND the mobile wi …
An aesthetically simple two-toned puzzle game that will challenge your brain to think in unconventional ways. These are not your average puzzles; You …
88.9 Cirv Fm (Toronto’s Multicultural Supermix) brings the world to you with one quick click. Whether it’s Portuguese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, P …
Cirkwi vous permet de parcourir des itinéraires et des guides de voyages numériques puis de les embarquer (cartes, textes, photos...) sur votre smartp …
CIRC is an IRC client in the form of a packaged Chrome app. It uses chrome APIs to implement features not found in other web IRC clients:* Connect dir …
Treino para mulheres O objetivo desta aplicação é o de proporcionar à leitora um programa de treino de musculação para mulheres sólido que lhe possa s …
Primeiro fisiologicamente as mulheres são mais fracas do que os homens, porém, há exceções, uma mulher forte pode ser mais forte que um homem inexperi …
Note Pad + is a simple notepad app.You can set reminders to yourself.You can lock your notes with a pin. It can be used as password keeper, notes or o …