What drives innovation?This is a question we have been asking our-selves more and more in recent years. Because markets, technologies and customers’ n …
Get all the key information about the NCPTA Annual Conference and Chapter Meeting in the palm of your hand. You can view the agenda, locations, speake …
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) is a scientific, educational, and professional organization of approximately 7900 medical ph …
KMG EP - is one of the leading companies in the field of hydrocarbon exploration and production in Kazakhstan, among the leaders of Oil and Gas in the …
The ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting provides genetics professionals the opportunity to learn how genetics and genomics are being integrated into …
The 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Conference Centers will occur in Chicago, IL March 19-22, 2013. The IACC Conference will i …
This is our first sustainability report. Legally, this report is compiled to fulfill the provisions of article 66 paragraph (2) c of Law No.40/2007 on …
With regional presence in Mauritius, South Africa and Zimbabwe, AfrAsia Bank operates as an integrated bank serving the Africa-Asia trade corridor and …
Tag your photo with QR code. Use a very fast scanner to detect EAN/UPC and QR codes. Generate a text QR code or a vCard from a contact.Functionalities …
*** NEU *** NEU *** NEU ***Die ganze Welt der Münchner Wochenanzeiger jetzt auch als App!Sie suchen eine Wohnung, ein Auto, einen Job oder etwas ander …