안녕하세요,주판알을 위 아래로 미는 동작 대신"터치" 한 동작으로 알을 움직이는 터치 주판,주산을 차근차근 익힐 수 있게 해주는 Cool Supan 입니다.1. 1~9단계 기본 익히기기본 9 개 단계를 차근차근 진행하면, 주산을 익힐 수 있습니다.수놓기 -> 쉬운 덧셈 …
IMPORTANT: SopCast is not developed by us. We are not responsible for errors encountered.Instructions:1 - Allow your phone to install apps from unknow …
If you easily get lost in endless scroll of facebook or twitter,unlimited chats of whatsapp or viber or endless game fun the this is an app for you. I …
Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] As of July 2011, Face …
Make time telling fun and easy to learn. Your children will love this educational clock because it is fun and has helped children world wide to master …
Firecracker kid is an adventure game where the player travels to the sky using a firecracker. The game is about a naughty kid who uses a firecracker r …
EchoCalc is a port of the successful British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) iPhone App - EchoCalc - made freely available to download.EchoCalc cont …
esta aplicación te muestra los vídeos mas recientes de TheAlliSmith- Recibir los vídeos en tu móvil o tablet.- notificación cuando se suba un vídeo- M …
Official Alene Too app.Alene Too was started by Debbie Weisman and Lizzy Schwartz who have the recipe for great success: two styles, two passions and …