Choose from over 60 solid color backgrounds for your android home screen.Images are stored online to keep application size down.Image will scale for y …
Choose from over 70 wallpapers for your device. Wallpaper automatically re-sized to fit your device.Wallpapers stored online to allow for updating, ad …
Choose from over 70 different wallpapers. Images automatically resized for your device.Wallpapers hosted on web, additional wallpapers can be added.No …
Choose from over 70 different wallpapers.Wallpapers automatically sized for your device. Wallpapers are stored online for the ability to add additiona …
Choose from over 70 minimalistic wallpapers.Images automatically sized for your device. If you have any issues, please email me I will try to correct …
A simple app to show your wallpaper.Tha advantage of this app is that it hides the navigation bar/buttons shown on devices such as the Galaxy Nexus wh …
Meet Claz, your one stop wallpaper app.Claz launches with over 50 wallpapers, updates weekly through the cloud.Follow me on my social networks - My Tw …
This is the best collection of wallpaper images in the market. You will definitely enjoy and will be amazed on how good the wallpaper collection we ha …