Deployment Countdown is a simple widget* that counts down the days till your loved ones return or deployment is over. Currently the widget has images …
countdown timer alarm clock with segment displayuse as pizza/egg timer or ETA for eventsfeat:-dates after 2038-up to 99999 days-timer or target date-r …
Take your time to capture the best moment! Countdown Camera is a simple camera app to make sure you are ready for the moment. This is the free version …
Countdown timer of Madoka Portable release, niconico English boardcast, and USA BD/DVD release.魔法少女まどか☆マギカポータブル発売カウントダウン/(O w O)\ < 僕と契約して、魔法少女になってよ!免 …
Add a countdown to your important days, with our app you can add countdown widgets to your phone home screen. Never missing an important event be it C …
The Baby Countdown app helps you get thru the 40 weeks of pregnancy! It will provide details on how far along, how far left and the current size of th …
Holo Countdown has been updated with a new look and tons of new features!Holo Countdown is a beautiful countdown app designed to be as efficent, fluid …
Simple and light-weight event/birthday/holiday/milestone/coursework countdown application. Customize your Event with a picture. Specify reminders for …
Alle Ferientermine bzw. Schulferien von Deutschland übersichtlich in einer App angeordnet.Features:★ Ferientermine für 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017★ Echtzei …