CPU Prime Benchmark is a benchmark-tool to compare the speed of your device with others. It uses single and multitasking-algorithms to test your CPU a …
A CPU Benchmarking tool for Android. Perfect for testing the results of an Overclock or comparing phone speeds with your friends among different devic …
Pratite najnovije vesti iz sveta informacionih tehnologija kao i naše sveobuhvatne testove računarskih komponenti, mobilnih telefona, svih vrsta preno …
Features: - accelerated download by using multithreading (3 parts) - interception of links from the browser and a clipboard; - the icon of the program …
Simple notification icon that shows CPU usage percentage and CPU frequency. Refreshing every two seconds.Done to be small and fast with few options in …
Android version of the popular CPU identification tool for Android , CPU-Z is a free application that reports information about your device.- SoC (Sys …