Official App for Creation TV provided by The Media Evangelism Limited.Watching Live TV Channels of CREATION TV HK and CREATION TV USA on Google Androi …
Creation App for Android & iOS includes different modules that work independently of each one News , This module consumes a RSS 2.0 feed and parses it …
TV Remote Control SettingThe first remote-controlled model aeroplane flew in 1932, and the use of remote control technology for military purposes was …
Remote Control on tv TipsIf your laptop computer has an infrared remote port installed in its case, you can use a normal universal television remote c …
This application is a Wi Fi based controller which can control network enabled TV.Make sure your television and your phone is connected to the same ne …
to test your Remote Control:-press TEST button in main menu,-turn your remote control into yours android device camera,-press any button at your remot …
Wukong mobile version:First Version:We can control your Fire TV Box if we are in the same WIFI!Easy, Fast. Everything the remote control can do, we ca …