The Creepypasta Files are a collection of creepypasta, scary stories, urban legends and accounts of various disturbing and frightening events. They ar …
Creepypastas são contos de terror (geralmente de autores anônimos) que se originaram na internet e são passadasentre fóruns, blogs e outros sites para …
Gente fanática de las creepypastas:++Estamos en fase de pruebas++Somos, y estamos haciendo experimentos para traer nuestra app oficia …
"In short, a creepypasta is a short story posted on the Internet that is designed to unnerve and shock the reader". In this application you will find …
The CreepyPasta Reader App allows you to read your favorite CreepyPastas on the go! Over 5000+ (and growing) different CreepyPastas gathered here, in …