In anul 1993 am decis sa deschidem o farmacie “altfel”. O farmacie unde sa primesti: consiliere, ganduri bune, sfaturi utile atunci cand ai nevoie de …
Valera nos relata la historia de Doña Luz, hija del marqués de Villafría. De procedencia algo dudosa por parte de madre y, sin embargo, reconocida por …
Gems Tower is unique puzzle game. It features 20 levels and outstanding game atmosphere. You goal is to build awesome gems tower, but this is not easy …
¡Hagan hablar su móvil o su tableta con las voces Best-of-Vox de Voxygen!La voz Pedro permite leer cualquier frase en español.¡Ya está con las voces m …
The most advanced and intuitive Speedometer and Car Dashboard application that helps you drive safely.This app should only be used if properly secured …
Mostra os dados das próximas partidas do Santos e notifica uma hora antes do jogo, para você não perder nenhuma partida.Possui dois widgets.Contem ext …
This is a 2 in 1 Application to help learners (Show Me Tell Me practical test), new and existing drivers get active and actually point to find their w …
Total Screen Control is an application for setting the Brightness Level, Screen Filter, ScreenOn Lock and Rotation Lock preferences individually for a …
★★★★ DISCOVER THE ULTIMATE WORD SEARCH GAME : - Infinite fun : a new, unique grid is generated for each game - Colorful and original words selection - …