Create simple but professional documents on your phone or tablet. Save or share them as PDF files, or print them on a Google Cloud Print connected pri …
Pdf maker for smartphones and tablets is a lightweight mobile PDF solution that provides accurate and high quality editor on the go. Instantly create …
Use this app for create pdf file using a WYSIWYG editor ;it is a system in which content (text and graphics) displayed onscreen during editing appears …
There is no need to download large PDF viewer or launch plug-ins when you want to view a PDF. You can simply use this free app to create write and vie …
Do not use scanner. Take a picture of your document with smartphone camera. Open scanner pdf app. Choose the image .And a pdf is ready! Like a charm! …
Load a txt , edit text and create a pdf .You can underline, rewrite, modify and insert images in your previous txt like a normal pdf editor. Try it no …
Forget the scanner. Take a picture with your smartphone to the document. Open pdf scanner app. Choose an image. And PDF is ready! Beautiful is not it? …
Ebook Converter allows you to convert almost all files to the below mentioned ebook formats! You can even change specific settings and select sometime …
Simple. Ease to use calculator to find the amount of data bundles that you will receive. No need to make constant calls or search the web. All you nee …