With Whisky reducer can be calculated simply and exactly with how many water a whiskey with cask strength must be diluted around on the wished alcohol …
***WARNING ONLY UP TO 7INCH SCREENS SUPPORTED AND TESTED Reducer "reduces" the quality and file size of a JPEG so you can upload it to your favorite s …
A Tiny Laser show each time you read your Android Wear smart watch.Features:* Futuristic, ever changing Watch Face animation* Amazing Rainbow effect e …
Qilive bracelets record every step you take, showing whether you reach the 10,000 steps a day as per recommendations. This application can analyse you …
아름다운 그녀,헷지와 함께 있는 이곳은너무 아름다운 파라다이스~!파라다이스 카카오톡 테마 만나보세요~국내에서 가장 많은 카카오톡 테마를 보유한 폰 꾸미기 1등 앱 ‘폰 테마샵’에서 더욱 다양한 컨셉의 테마들을 이용해보세요. 매일 업데이트되는 따끈따끈한 새로운 테마들을 …
Deliveree is a mobile and web app that allows you to book and manage deliveries of almost anything. Our app serves as a marketplace that connects you …