Berechnen Sie die optimale Belichtungszeit für Ihre Bilder.Einfach die verwendeten Filter und die Belichtungszeit der Kamera angeben und ND Filter ber …
This application calculates the exposure and shutter aperture with ND filter and ISO shooting.The purpose of standard photographic neutral density fil …
This application calculates the exposure and shutter aperture with ND filter and ISO shooting.In photography, a neutral density filter or ND filter ca …
An application to calculate exposures by modifying shutter speed, aperture and ISO inputs based on an initial test exposure. This is not a light meter …
You enter a film speed (or digital equivalent (ISO)) and ambient lighting conditions and this app will give you a table of apertures (f/stop) and shut …
Given an exposure (Aperture, Shutter speed, ISO), allows calculating equivalent exposures - set 2 new parameters (a combination of Aperture, Shutter a …
This software was created to help you to configure the approximate value for the Light Value (LV), Exposure Value (EV), shutter speed, ISO and apertur …