THE MOST ADVANCED FIGHTER PLANE COMBAT AND FLIGHT SIMULATOR Realistic world maps and navigation, over 500 actual airports, 1,107 runways, aircraft car …
While you are browsing website, have you ever wanted to quote and post a piece of the web page to Twitter, Tumblr or other apps?In order to do so, you …
AutomateIt is designed to make your life easier by automating various tasks on your Android smartphone or tablet.AutomateIt Pro has all the goods that …
Rawdroid is a workflow management tool for raw imagery. Now you can manage images you shoot in the field on a lightweight tablet, show customers insta …
Ett måste ansökan om någon som bor eller planerar att besöka Sverige.A must-have application for anyone who lives or plans to visit Sweden.*********** …
Mobility is changing fast. Companies are tapping into the benefits of mobility to implement new business models, shorten order-to-cash cycles, improve …
Stop with the usual Coin Flip!With Flippo (Fake Coin) you decide if next coin toss is head or tail, simply with the touch of a button.If you decide an …