Field Job Reporting is a boon for those organizations and individuals looking to seamlessly manage their field jobs. It is the essential scheduler and …
The Crystal Calculator from PVA TePla AG calculates the geometric dimensions of Silicon and Germanium crystals grown according to the Czochralski meth …
aidoo mobile is the reporting and control application for your field activities.aidoo = "I do". aidoo mobile is the field force automation solution, d …
Business Travel Logger is a lightning-fast mileage ledger / mileage logger / journey logger - including expenses - for your private/business travel, a …
Plan your next road trip. Have an estimate of how much will spend on fuel before hitting the road. Additionally, you can add other expenses such as ho …
Pink Analog Clock widget. Pressing this widget allows to set alarm clock. Setting alarm clock may be not available to some Android Devices. Every Manu …
책, 영화, 명언, 깨달음 등의 좋은 글들을 모아서 제공하고 있습니다.생활하면서 휴식 시간에 커피와 함께 글을 읽어 보시면서 마음의 여유를 가지세요. 하루를 정리하는 저녁 시간에도 지혜로운 글들과 함께 하면 내일을 위한 계획도 다짐할 수 있어 행복한 마무리를 할 수 있 …