OFFLINE EMERGENCY TOOL build up on 100 of thousands real life processed emergency situations over the past two years. A unique search that is build fo …
DescriptionOFFLINE EMERGENCY TOOL built on hundreds of thousands of real life emergency situations over the past four years. This is a scaled down, Wi …
That boy over there is definitely drowning! Call 911 and rush to the water to pull him out! Before the doctors come, try to revive him by extracting t …
يتضمن هذا التطبيق أهم الاسعافات الأولية التي يمكن لأي انسان القيام بها في معظم حالات الطوارئ مثل الاغماء, عضة الحيوانات, السكتة الدماغية, حلات رعاف ال …
AuSAFE has developed a talking emergency first aid application to assist in initial basic first aid. The application has a calming voice and basic ins …
When you are in a emergency situation, how to deal with it? You need some instructions and First aid is your first choice. First Aid is designed to h …
First Aid, your first choiceWhen you are in a emergency situation, how to deal with it? You need some instructions and First aid is your first choice. …