SimpleEye Bluetooth Oximeter records pulse oximeter measurements from an external Bluetooth pulse oximeter or manual input. The readings can then be s …
Introductory price: $1.99 USD (or local equivalent)SimpleEye Live Pulse Oximeter displays and records live blood oxygen and heart rate data from a com …
Oximeter allows you to see the percentage of breathable oxygen to your altitude. The percentage of oxygen is determined by pressure setting the 100% a …
Pulse is a classic tower defense game set in outer space. With 25+ exciting weapons and two special powers, you must defend the Galactic Capital from …
フラッグフットボール用の戦略盤です。Think your team's stragegy of Flag Football!!簡単!シンプル!高速!をモットーに作成されています。iPadとiPhoneでデータを共有することもできます。iPadでじっくり戦略を作成してチームメイトのiPhoneに送信! …
Ever wanted to improve your vocabulary? This app will help. Everyday you get a new word(or phrase) with its meaning, and if you don`t like that word(o …
Renewal version of the app here, has been released Re:Geomelix. All functions have become playable for free. Please open the "Related" tab. Turn polyh …
iPhone 5 & iOS 6 Compatible! ★★★★★ (5 Stars review Finally, a beautifully crafted game built with young kids in mind.Collaborate with yo …
Now you can make your own pro-style lacrosse trading cards to share on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Order a pack of glossy, UV-coated cards printed …