An introduction of bubbles1. The game is on a background of deep ocean with a tranquil color avoiding usurping the host role of the bubbles whose abun …
Tabula Free is an application that will allow you to make simple exercises in your smartphone using the four basic arithmetic operations (additions, s …
Actor-Film is a simple drag and drop game/quiz aimed at film and movie fans. The game is played by dragging and dropping actors into the appropriate f …
DISCLAIMER: This app is made available for use at your own risk with no warranty of any kind.NANDROID BACKUP BEORE USE!!!I cannot respond to comments …
This application is designed to present the user with a plethora of scenarios to prepare the user for the many challenging situations life presents us …
Create encrypted messages, browse, reply, forward and delete directly from the app.With the Lite version, only 10 encrypted messages can be sent, but …
Un SMS, vous géolocalisez votre portable égaré , il sonne, vibre vous rappelle! Vous possédez un magnifique smartphone sous android, et le chérissez d …
There is no experience or have a tree or brute was "incoming" from a woman or another man or with her boyfriend when I enter ...?This phone is a pain …
Have fun, surprise and learn with comfyMath.ComfyMath is a collection of fun math tricks.This collection contains math tricks that makes fun for us an …