Fujifilm FramkallningMed Fujifilms framkallningsapp kan du nu snabbt och smidigt framkalla och redigera dina bilder direkt från din smartphone. Passa …
The Magic Pencil app supplements instructor-led learning and also works towards enabling students to collaborate and interact more effectively, keep t …
교실에서 협동학습 수업할때 활용하는 앱이다. 한마디로 수업보조 도구이다.OX판 또는 1번부터 5번까지 번호판이 들어있다.학생들이 이 앱을 다운 받아 가지고 있다가교사가 질문하면 OX 또는 번호를 눌러 답을 하면 된다.한번에 교사가 전체 학생의 활동내용을 확인할 수 있으 …
★ This series will be sold at 1,900 KRW for only the first 10,000 buyers in celebration of its release (the price is scheduled to be raised to 4.900 K …
A funny jigsaw puzzle with picture you taken. you can register your score to world ranking.you can delete a picture on your list with long click.[feat …
MUSLIM LIGHT HD is a simple night light app in Islamic style.With this app, you can sleep soundly at night! :)Keywords: islam, muslim, moslem, flash l …
A funny puzzle fixing a piece of the image and learning English word easily.Complete the image with dragging the piece. It will help in improving conc …
With the JCPS mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out th …