¿Está buscando comedias, movies de terror o acción online gratis y acesibles sin descargo? ¡Vaya!Film es una nueva experiencia fílmica, con películas …
Exif4Film is a tool for film photographers to record the EXIF data of their pictures while shooting and then save it on scanned images. The Android™ a …
Order prints, gifts, canvas and posters using images from your phone! Imagine Mobile offers an easy way to turn your photos into a wide variety of dif …
DoF X100 is a depth-of-field / hyperfocal distance calculator specifically designed for the Fuji Finepix X100 and Fuji Finepix X100S cameras. From ver …
We truly believe that flashcards is an essential learning tool for almost anything in the realm of education, and so we built one. The Ultimate Flashc …
Learn 3,000 vocabulary words!Use these flashcard activities to build your vocabulary, improve your English, or prepare for SAT tests. Tap "More" or vi …
It is a light app that contains lots of uplifting quotations from well known philosophers such as Leo Tolstoy or Khalil Gibran. It is good food for th …