Google Cloud messaging is the push notification system for Android devices.This is the sample app for the tutorial at …
Esta aplicación de testing para Test GCM (Google Cloud Messaging for Android) lanza una notificación que verifica que estamos enviando correctamente l …
Esta aplicación de testing para Test GCM (Google Cloud Messaging for Android) lanza una notificación que verifica que estamos enviando correctamente l …
This application provides a collection of third party examples, as a developer this application is essential for you.Example included: "2D Engines" , …
giọng hát việt nhí đã bắt đầu, nào cùng ứng dụng xem giọng hát việt nhí (the voice kid) theo dõi từng bước đi của chương trình này nào !ứng dụng nhẹ, …
This application consist of 3 tools :1st date difference :Date Diff tells you how many days or weeks apart two dates are.2nd Tally :How many times hav …
Can't remember how many or which movies are a part of your collection? Lend one of them and then forget who has what? Or perhaps even just can't keep …
FOR INTERMEDIATE & UPPER-INTERMEDIATE LEARNERS OF ENGLISHPractical and comprehensive supporta- 100,000 words, phrases and meanings, including the Acad …