Search by taking a picture: point your mobile phone camera at a painting, a famous landmark, a barcode or QR code, a product, or a popular image. If G …
Goggles is your window into an invisible, free social network that’s all around you. With it, you can write, post, share and explore messages that sur …
Unsere kostenlose App bietet Ihnen alle Informationen rund um die bunte Shoppingwelt der Riem Arcaden. In unserem überregionalen Shopping Center in Mü …
Zigarrendirekt ist ein von Zigarrenliebhabern und Pfeifenkennern geführter Shop.Wir bieten alles, was der Genussraucher liebt und braucht, wie Zigarre …
Oogadvies Magazine van Riens Optiek is een magazine voor mensen met een moderne kijk op zien Ons magazine verschijnt een aantal keren per jaar en word …
With the contraction timer you can easily keep count of the contactions before childbirth. Just press the green start button when a contraction start …
A city guide to Riga, Jurmala and other cities in Latvia. Rietumu Guide contains carefully selected restaurants, hotels, exhibition halls and must-see …
A Rede Imóvel Fácil - RIF é uma associação de imobiliárias em Curitiba que trabalham em conjunto para garantir o melhor negócio aos clientes. Com um e …