Die offizielle Android App des Schweizer Rekordmeisters und Traditionsvereins. Alle Informationen zum GC sind jetzt nur einen Fingertipp entfernt. Ein …
A simple App to view earthquake happened in California Nevada area. filtering or sharing the information. CA NV , Los Angeles, San Francisco. Las Vega …
Gallery about Mango. Tropical fruit who was unknown several years ago , now its widespread all over the world.Very interesting and colourful applicati …
Catur adalah permainan yang dimainkan 2 orang. Setiap pemain mengontrol 16 bidak catur - Hitam dan Putih. Putih memulai terlebih dahulu, lalu pemain b …
Repetitions is a cross-platform spaced repetition system (SRS), an intelligent flashcard application that makes learning and memorization easy. An SRS …
Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) determines the probability of survival of a patient from the Injury Severity Score and Revised Trauma Score.免 …