Wie im Casino: Gewinnen sie Unsummen an Geld mit dem Ein-Armigen-Bandit! Mit den am Anfang 100 Münzen zur verfügung gestellten Münzen, lässt sich schn …
Are you the kind of person that can recognize any city by a small landmark or building? If so, this is the game for you! Guess Where is the new game w …
Guess Capitals - interesting and exciting game with which you can increase or consolidate their knowledge of geography. In the game you need to guess …
Guess what? You are about to get something really cool! 1000+ FREE levels of awesomeness! Every level consists of 4 pictures that have something in co …
Guess what? You are about to get something really cool! 1000+ FREE levels of awesomeness! Every level consists of 4 pictures that have something in co …
(This is an academic project)Try to figure out to whom the mystery face the mobile has chosen belongs to. For that, you can ask a series of questions …
Can you guess what picture is behind the boxes? The fastest you guess, the more stars you get. How many pictures can you guess? Free Guessing Game for …