This is a theme for NotifierPro, you need to install NotifierPro for it to work. Configuration : * To select this theme, open NotifierPro and choose i …
Holy Bible app presents you two types of Testaments with all the books and chapters in those and it is a very simple navigational app.Will shortly pro …
One of the BEST Rated Bible App of 2013— Support multiple lanuage. Add your own highlights, bookmarks, and read it anytime. You can even have FULL acc …
This is a beta version of a Honeycomb (tablet) optimized bible and note taking application. For now, the King James Version is the only supported tran …
Praise be to God, and peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad, His family and companions and allies. And after: I have collected the Holy Quran b …
On more than 100 million devices all over the world, people are reading, listening to, and sharing the Bible using the #1 rated Bible App—completely f …
Quran Android is a free, open source Quran application for Android devices. This application is a gift to everyone who is interested in reading the Ho …
تم حل خطأ الصفحة 56 آل عمران برنامج القرآن الكريم يحتوي علي خواص : البحث ( باللغتين ) تحديد العلامات و التحرك مع العلامة و حفظها و التنقل السلس و القر …
Free Holy RosaryBased on the popular Scriptural Edition, this new application features, by user request, the standard rosary without scripture reading …