For most magical traditions, ancient and modern, the vibrations of the planets affect different parts of the day and the night.The two parts of each d …
You’re a quarantine agent – an extrajudicial lawman who lets only approved people and products leave Earth – and in a few days your starship will be a …
MeteoPlaneta je meteorološki naučno - informativni portal čiji je glavni cilj pravovremeno informisanje javnosti o aktuelnim meteorološkim pojavama i …
This app will assist you in finding the Raahu (also known as Rahu, Raahu kalaya, Rahukaalam, Rahukalam, inauspicious time) Gulika and Yamagandam perio …
Hooray! An app from America’s fastest growing full-‐‑size health club! Here you can find a Planet Fitness location near you by using the club locator. …
Search PlantANT vendors and listings right from your phone! Suppliers are able to upload pictures for their inventory using their devices camera and e …